About Us

About Febrex Plus & cry

Education is the key to unlock the world. It is the passport to freedom “—- Oprah Winfrey

Its every child’s right to get education, but still too many children across India and around the world are deprived of education & learning, due to many reasons but among all poverty remains prime reason.  A quality education not only builds knowledge, capabilities & skills but also builds their overall ability to become a better individual.

In absence of quality education children faces barriers to employment and affects them adversely in many ways. Therefore, access to quality education and skill development must equally be available to all children, regardless of who they are or where they live

To ensure that no such child remains deprived from education, Cry foundation and Febrex Plus join hands to ensure that children are aware about their rights and get proper education.

Febrex Plus feels proud to support Cry foundation in its initiative to educate children on behalf of Doctors and help to create better educational platform for 1000 deserving scholars across India.

Febrex Plus is an anti-cold preparation and has been treating patients and taking care of their needs since last 3 decades and more and is committed to serve in future.

 Febrex Plus would sincerely thank to all its Doctors who are Pillars of this noble initiative and making India a better country by educating deprived Children.